
A gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.
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Meet Our Donors
We're getting a little older and we find ourselves thinking about the future a lot more than we used to. Read More »

Gifts That Protect Your Assets

Increased income may not be your primary objective. Instead, as your needs and lifestyle change, you may be wondering how you will deal with some highly appreciated property or a growing family business. Will taxes consume much of the value that you have worked so hard to grow? Will anything be left for you and your family?

New! Limited Time Gift Opportunities Due to Low IRS Discount Rate

We have several options that help you meet your personal goals, save on taxes, and make a gift to California School of Professional Psychology at the same time.

The Benefits

Here are some of the benefits you can take advantage of:

Popular Giving Arrangements

We can show you creative ways to use your assets to benefit California School of Professional Psychology, while at the same time preserving the benefits of those assets for you and your family.

Our Endowment is Our FutureOur Endowment is Our Future