
A gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.
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Deferred Gift Annuity

How It Works

  • You transfer cash or securities. Our minimum gift requirement is $10,000.
  • Beginning on a specified date in the future, you, or up to two annuitants you name began to receive fixed annuity payments for life.
  • CSPP recommends that you are at least age 50 to fund the gift.
  • The remaining balance passes to CSPP when the contract ends.


  • Deferral of payments permits a higher annuity rate and generates a larger charitable deduction.
  • You can schedule your annuity payments to begin when you need extra cash flow, such as retirement years.
  • Payments are guaranteed and fixed, regardless of fluctuations in the market.
  • The longer you elect to defer payments, the higher your payment will be.
